Who We Are
To help keep our costs low, we are staffed entirely by volunteers who just enjoy being part of the market and serving the local community. There’s quite a bit of work involved in organising the market every month – sorting out the stalls, putting up signs, setting up electrical supplies, helping and checking stallholders are okay, manning the one-way system and entrance, keeping an eye on social distancing, organising the community info stall, collecting stall fees… and any other jobs that come up during the day.

David Isgrove
The founder and lifeblood of the market, David is a ball of energy and led the market to its finest hour in 2009, repeated in 2012, 2016 and now 2023 by winning the FARMA (now FRA) best UK Urban Farmers’ Market award. The old adage about if you want something done ask a busy person, is highly apt in David’s case running, as he does, the market, his own tour company, running a charity for young people in 30 countries in Africa, and part of the local Moseley Forum, he is a man much in demand. Have you a spare hour, he would be delighted to chat; and if you bought him some chocolate he’d be even happier. In recognition of this hard and dedicated work for Moseley, he’s been awarded the LIFETIME ACHIEVMENT AWARD by the Farm Retail Association.

Izzy Knowles
‘Izzy, always busy’ sums up her full and incredible commitment to the community and especially the Farmers’ Market. Watch out for her in her green jacket or fleece in every part of the market, seemingly at the same time. She will always stop for chocolate or a coffee and chat and even offer to buy you one!

Jill Adams
Keeping quietly in the background, Jill keeps our accounts in order and has a steady hand on the tiller.
To keep things organised, Jill doesn’t take prisoners; for goodness sake don’t even think of submitting an expense claim without a receipt!!!
Radley is one of the Directors of award-winning Moseley Farmers’ Market. He joined MFM in 2019 as a passionate supporter. On weekdays, Radley is a TV Producer with the BBC and at weekends he helps to run MFM. Next time you meet him, see if he likes chocolate as well!
Tyrone is a Security Industry Authority (SIA) licence holder and is our volunteer lead on security for the MFM.
During the weekdays, Tyrone works in Industrial Relations and volunteers his time as a Trustee of a Multi Academy Trust amongst other community projects. He says “I’m part of the team as I want to give something back to an organisation that i believe has the community at its heart and champions local produce.” (I think he likes chocolate as well!!)
Like to help?
We are always looking for people who can spare an hour or two each month to help out with set-up from 8am-9am, or set-down from 1.30pm– 2.30pm. If you are interested in getting involved, please send your contact details, any relevant experience you have, and tell us why you’d like to help to: contact@moseleyfarmersmarket.org.uk. Alternatively, come to the community stall at the next market and introduce yourself to us – we’ll be in yellow t-shirts (or possibly green fleeces/jackets if it’s cold!)