Moseley Farmers’ Market Application Form

This form is for Moseley Farmers’ Market and is based on the FARMA-Approved Farmer’s Market Stallholder Application Form.

    Business Details

    Personal Details

    Core Produce

    Breads & CakesCheese & DairyCooked FoodsDrinksEggsFruitHoney & PreserversPlantsPoultry & GameRed MeatsVegetables & SaladOther:

    Produce Details

    Please list all the products that you intend to sell at each Farmer’s Market. You will only be permitted to sell produce listed below, and may be asked to remove any undeclared products. If you change your trade or develop new lines you must amend this application form. Where products are very similar (for example, jams or apples), you may list the general types rather than specific variations or varieties. Processed products should also give the approximate percentage of local ingredients used (by weight) – you should keep receipts/orders as proof of local origin, this may be requested by Trading Standards.


    All YearJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember

    Other outlets

    Please list other outlets for your produce (including other Farmer’s Markets)

    Certification and Assurance

    Are you a member of any assurance or certification scheme (e.g. Organic, LEAF, GO)

    Yes - I will upload a copyYes - I will post a copyNoI am in the process of applying

    Upload your Certificate (5mb max - please zip multiple files into one file):

    Please give the name of the insurance company that provides your Public, Product, and Employee Liability Insurance, including the policy numbers, and the expiry date. Please upload or post a copy.

    Upload your policy (5mb max - please zip multiple policies into one file)


    Will you be attending, in person, at all the markets to sell your produce?

    YesNoYes, as well as

    If no, please state who else will regularly be at the markets and their position in the company. To qualify to sell at a FARMA-Certified Farmers’ Market, produce must be sold by the producer, a family member, or by a member of staff directly involved in the production of the goods on sale.

    Application statement

    Please tick to acknowledge agreement:

    I agree to sell only items that I have produced, grown, or raised myselfI agree to uphold the rules of the market and to ensure that my representatives do likewiseOne of the persons named above will be present at my stallI understand that details may be published on agree to assist in any inspections and/or visits required to verify the statements I have madeMy insurance and certifications are current and I will supply copies of documents when requiredI understand that my details will be passed to Birmingham Environmental Health and Trading Standards(I hold Basic Food Hygiene Certification, if you process food )

    I declare that the information provided is correct:



    Please ensure you have uploaded, copies of certificates for assurance schemes, copy of insurance certificates, copy of basic food hygiene certificate, others if required