About the Market

WE’RE PROUD TO HAVE WON THE AWARD LAST YEAR OF BEING THE BEST FARMERS’ MARKET IN THE UK by the Farm Retail Association. The award-winning Moseley Farmers’ Market takes place at the crossroads in the centre of Moseley – on the Village Green between Alcester Road & St Mary’s Row – Every last Saturday of the month from 9 am till 2 pm.


Moseley Farmers’ Market is a Community Interest Company (CIC) and as well as providing a wonderful community resource in the form of the farmers’ market, any surplus we make is put back into supporting local groups, causes, and charities; in fact to date we are proud to have put over £100k into the local community in the form of gifts and support for various projects including Christmas Lights for Moseley, projects for the elderly, children, the homeless and the Christmas Day Together scheme – and now the redevelopment of the fabric of the Village centre starting with the new station access road and cycle layout

For more information about how a C.I.C. works governed by the C.I.C. Regulator, please visit their website.